Category Rainbows

Beauty & Grace

Beauty, something each soul possesses when they’re born, some more than others, greater, vibrant They shine even when they’re down, those souls like angels, just hearing their voice can lift you up. You strive to be like them, open and caring a lover of life and love itself the sun seems like shade when they’re […]

Inspired Aspiration

It takes a remarkable person to inspire the mind You are unique and made of a special kind Determined to change the human race To create a better world, a happier place Consistently working to find so much more Searching for the hidden key to a locked and uncompromising door Your dreams are held on […]

A modern man

Full post here: A Modern Man But I just HAD to share the highlights. Amazing, insightful, take my breath away blog. YUM! It’s the love where I can’t sleep through the night, because I keep waking yourself up to make sure she’s still there and that I weren’t really dreaming… because it feels like a […]

Sunny Winter

Seasons change, everything from sea to sky Rain falls through the leaves as the clock ticks through time. Cooler and cooler with each passing day The wind gains momentum and the trees dance and sway Awakening to a dim light I part the curtains with care My eyes focused onto a beautiful sight One so […]


What is real these thoughts, emotions, craziness that I feel I see you even when you’re not here, smell you, hear your voice so in love with you, I didn’t have a choice the second I saw you, as they say, you swept me off of my feet even though in mystery we had to […]

My friend

Looking into your eyes, almost golden in the sunlight your lips parted slightly as you bend down, I’m amazed at the sight of you, of our first kiss, where you drug me to you, held me close my heart skips a beat, am I willing to disclose this feeling that I have already succumbed to […]

One day closer

I don’t count the days, they’re copious and the thought of them suffocates me aching to see you, missing the melody of your voice, all I want to do is see the same sky you are seeing, feel the rain that falls onto your face to be in the same place. Is it so much […]

Sealed with a kiss

In my dream you were so real, smiling at the sunshine, tilting your head so you can feel the rays upon your face, the lines manifesting from your smile but behind us, time is catching up so fast, soaring through the miles I see one blaze turn into a legion voices in my head, none […]

Her home on the hill

She sits in quiet sunlight Valleys rush by her side, On top of a green hill Flowers as her guide. Alone is her love, only sun to keep her warm no worries of others letting her go. Flowers dance for her between blades of grass, Wind movies its petals as well as her dress. Her […]